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Venus rising from the metal

28 piezas de colección

To mark Valentine’s Day, here is a divine and disrobed selection!

28 collectible coins, ancient coins, and medals with the Roman goddess Venus as their theme.

Display the whole collection

Picture above: "The Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli (circa 1485) (Public Domain)

Francia Token

token count, Jeton à la Vénus, XVIth Century, MBC, Cobre

Francia Token

token count, Jeton à la Vénus, XVIth Century, MBC, Bronce

Francia Token

Royal, BC+, Latón, Feuardent:13223

Francia Token

Royal, BC+, Cobre

Selección publicada en 13/02/2023
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The cheeky Thracian
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Nickel silver on trial