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Venus rising from the metal

28 piezas de colección

To mark Valentine’s Day, here is a divine and disrobed selection!

28 collectible coins, ancient coins, and medals with the Roman goddess Venus as their theme.

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Picture above: "The Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli (circa 1485) (Public Domain)

Moneda Julia Domna

Aureus, 194, Roma, Very rare, SC, Oro, RIC:579

Moneda Ancient Rome

Roman Republic (509 – 27 BC), Julius Caesar, Denarius

Julia Titi Denarius

80-81, Rome, Rare, Plata, EBC, RIC:388

Moneda Plautilla

Denarius, AD 202-205, Rome, EBC, Plata, RIC:369

Moneda Caracalla

Denarius, EBC, Plata, Cohen:606

Moneda Julia

Denarius, MBC+, Plata, Cohen:60

Moneda Gordian III

Denarius, 240, Rome, MBC, Plata, RIC:131

Moneda Cordia

Denarius, 46 BC, Rome, BC+, Plata, Crawford:463/1b

Francia 10 Euro

vénus de Milo, 2017, Monnaie de Paris, BE, FDC, Plata

Italia 10 Euro Cent

2006, Rome, SC, Latón, KM:213

Italia 10 Euro Cent

2013, Rome, SC, Latón, KM:247

Italia 10 Euro Cent

2007, Rome, FDC, Latón, KM:213

Selección publicada en 13/02/2023
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The cheeky Thracian
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